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Mara: +41 (0) 763 079 989 | Susann +41 (0) 762 329 989

Some of my ladies come from my circle of acquaintances - so I've known them for a long time and very personally. For example Aria, Gisele, Theresia, Inanna or Marlene. But I get to know most of the ladies through recommendations - either from regular customers or from one of my other ladies. A few ladies contact The Escort Avantgarde directly because they have researched about us on the Internet. First of all, I phone the ladies extensively - how do they express themselves, how entertaining is the conversation, what kind of energy does it convey? Only then I do send the casting form and only then I do meet the ladies in person. I think that's important because photos say nothing about a woman's aura. An inspiring laugh, a mysterious daring gesture, an erotic movement, all this cannot be expressed in a photo. In the conversation, I question above all the erotic side of the lady... someone who talks openly and freely about her wishes, experiences and needs, who is not afraid to put clearer words in her mouth and enjoys it; someone who wants to experience fun and erotic adventures - THIS is exactly what I am looking for 😊).

Escort Avantgarde- High Class Escort.webp

How often have I seen potential in women that just had to be ignited. Some of the ladies came as "country bumpkins" and turned into an exciting, elegant lady. I expect my muses to always focus on their education, their studies, their first job. But beyond that, looking for a bit of adventure and wanting to gain experience for life: how do I deal with men, how do I meet their erotic desires, how do I integrate myself into their ideas without giving up on myself? The close and friendly relationship with my ladies often lasts even later: I support them when they need my advice, or help them through my large network -  also in their later career. by Mara Monroe
High Class Escort - The perfect match for a select few!